This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Fred Grott.
Original Post: Developer Recruiting Mistakes fo Start Ups, VCs, and etc
Feed Title: ShareMe Technologies LLC-The Mobile Future
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Feed Description: A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology.
I just finished a 60 day plus period whereas someone attempted to recruit me by nefarious means through lies, cons, and manipulations. Lies, cons, and manipulations that if solidified in form of a legal relationship governed by the rules of the SEC would be reviewed in a fraud case concerning the lies, cons, and manipulations.
Manipulations such as miss representing what a company does to such a bad degree that the lie posted on the web page of a certain company that they are licensed by the SEC that left a bad taste in my mouth. In every communication with this person more than 50% direct lying to such an extent where I refused to even take the email in my inbox.
Coning to such an extent whereas this person and company miss lead others to believe that I was signed on to the project and or start up. Lying about having caused $1 billion in funds to be raised when a simple SEC query can demolish that big lie game.
If VCs and investor groups are not going to take the lies, than I will not either as I do not have to put up with lies, cons, and manipulations as part of the process to develop a prototype for a start up.