A whole site dedicated to shoelaces. Really. “This is what the Internet can do for us.”
Here’s an article that I’d love to see more fleshed out. Big topic coming up on this one, friends.
Storage and DB setup for the smugmug data-center.
Web 2.0 has jumped the shark. Start placing your bets on what will be hot at SXSW 2008. I lean towards Dion’s train of thought: hybrid web/desktop/mobile/etc. apps. US telcos may be loose enough now?
Holy crap this is a comprehensive guide to Twitter.
More praise for All Things Digital. The team must be eatin’ it up ;)
Enterprise software got complex a long time ago, as this excerpt from a 1962 book shows.
Keeping ahead of Total Identity Awareness. Scenarios of avoiding identity tracking in future-think. The phrase “identity laundering network layer” == yuh!
My question is: did JNDI do more harm than good for LDAP? In avoiding a leaky abstraction, did we loose the benefits of LDAP/directory in the late 90’s? (That Higgins diagram makes my head spin.)
Modeling your IT in Tivoli-land and the stuff in it, from a (relatively) very low level. Kind of like Microsoft SDM… Would make a nice screencast.
IT management from Sun comin’ atcha…
“I reckon that SAP is betting on the fact that once users sip the Kool-Aid, they’ll want to buy their own refrigerator, blender, mixers, and booze to tailor it just to their liking.”
These look like fun…
Here’s what needs to happen: press releases should be “live” in that related links and meta-data get hitched on to them. Hell, add comments, trackbacks, and even a wiki to them, and you’ve breathed life into the dead press release. Hey-presto!
Lil’ rant from OTN’s editor-in-chief about not getting enough cred/noticed.
RedMonk declares BMC now “cool,” thanks to whurley.
“One of the hardest problems I hear is that a company’s database may not be Mac compatible, or there may not be a front end that is Mac compatible.”
Some details of Leopard’s iChat and other IM stuff.
Simplify the support agreement to one page.
Make your @TODOs say what the problem is, not what you think the solution is. The solution will probably be different by the time you want to solve it.
Makin’ finance better.