This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Apr 19, 2007 12:11 PDT] 16 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
Apache MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.5 provides a series of JavaServer Faces components that go beyond the JSF specification.
XQuery For Java, An Enabler For SOA. XQuery offers a rich set of features for working with the structure of an XML document, offering you compelling abilities not possible with XPath or XSLT. In a sense, it's SQL for XML. In this article, Sowmya Hubert & Binildas C. A. look at the Java API for XQuery and how you can use it in your SOA applications.
Smokescreen 3.51. New release of the Smokescreen Java Obfuscator. Revision 3.51 includes support for package renaming.
The Java Enclosing Class as an Implementation of the Builder Pattern. In the traditional Builder Pattern, a Product's encapsulation can be compromised since its compositional logic resides in another class. What if you could determine a Product's composition at run time without breaking encapsulation? In some cases, you can accomplish this with one of Java's more obscure features: nested classes.
Rhinohide 0.1.13 is a Java implementation of the W3C DOM, layered over a Web browser's native JavaScript.
XMLUnit 1.1 Beta 1 provides two JUnit extension classes, XMLAssert and XMLTestCase, and a set of supporting classes (e.g. Diff, DetailedDiff, Transform, SimpleXpathEngine, Validator, and NodeTest) that allow assertions to be made about the differences between two pieces of XML, the outcome of transforming a piece of XML using XSLT, the evaluation of an XPath expression on a piece of XML, the validity of a piece of XML, or individual nodes in a piece of XML that are exposed by DOM Traversal.