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by dion.
Original Post: Phantom Flickr Photos
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Personally it is kinda fun to see what random photos come into a stream, but then you read comments like:
"YOU NEED TO TAKE THE SITE OFFLINE -- there is all kinds of freaking porn in my photostream now; I have family members (inc. children) who look at my stream. I am sure there are many others in the same boat. This sucks."
"I am and I'm freaking out - this is my business portfolio site "
And I quickly realised that this is an issue.
I think we will run into this more as we move our world from our own websites/just on a PC to global services.
Ironically, I just started to put more of my photos on Flickr. I used to use JAlbum and would generate webpages which I would then sftp up to an area on my website.
I wanted to use Flickr to enable my wife to upload easier (right now the process is a bit too much and is only on my machine). The only downside has been that it is a pain to share photos with family. On my own site I could put the personal pics behind an HTTP Basic directory and pass out the username/password to anyone who cares. With Flickr I need to invite everyone in the family and they need to signup to be able to see things. A bit of a pain. That being said, I love the tools and when I want to share photos to the outside world it is a no-brainer.