This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Jan 9, 2007 02:04 PST] 20 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
Managing Gigabytes for Java 1.1.2 (MG4J) is a collaborative effort aimed at providing a free Java implementation of inverted-index compression techniques; as a by-product, it offers several general-purpose optimised classes, including fast and compact mutable strings, bit-level I/O, fast unsynchronised buffered streams, (possibly signed) minimal perfect hashing, etc.
RabbIT 3.7 is a mutating, caching Web proxy used to speed up surfing over slow links like modems.
Java Properties 0.8.3 provides an efficient way to access bean-like properties of Java objects.
Apache AntUnit 1.0 provides Ant tasks that allow you to write (functional) tests in Ant build files.
Sojo 0.3.0 is a Java framework that converts JavaBeans (complex Java-Object graphs) to a simplified representation, so that handling and controlling access to JavaBeans properties is easy and uniform.