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QCon : London gets a proper software development conference

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Simon Brown

Posts: 636
Nickname: simonbrown
Registered: Jun, 2003

Simon Brown is a Java developer, architect and author.
QCon : London gets a proper software development conference Posted: Jan 8, 2007 3:42 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz by Simon Brown.
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London (UK) has a staggering amount of software development and innovation going on, yet is rarely host to a software development conference of any note. Most of the "big" conferences tend to take place in the US, although this *has* started to change over the past couple of years. From talking to others in London, European conferences such as JavaPolis and JAOO are popular destinations that people rave about, although they too are not exactly on our doorstep. Well, this is about to change in 2007 because London is getting its own "proper" conference.

Organised by and JAOO, QCon is a week long event scheduled for the week of March the 12th. The first 2 days are in-depth tutorials and the remaining 3 days are conference sessions. Overall there are over 10 tracks covering topics such as Java, .NET, Ruby, agile development, SOA, AJAX and even architectures for investment banking. This is going to be an enterprise application development conference with something for all of us, regardless of which technology, methodology or business area we work with.

Since QCon is taking place in London, it's a conference that I would have attended myself. However, I'm delighted to say that my involvement doesn't stop at just attending. I'm presenting an in-depth tutorial on JMX in the first half of the conference and hosting the Java in Action track in the second. I'm really looking forward to both of these and I'll be talking some more about them in the near future.

This is a fantastic opportunity to meet other enterprise application developers and architects that work around London, while at the same time learning about all of the new and cool stuff that's happening in the industry. See you at QCon, London in March.

p.s. stay tuned for a chance to win a free conference pass :-)

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