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by dion.
Original Post: To focus() or not to focus()
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I remember getting frustrated going to a search site that wouldn't focus() on the only element on the page. Do not make me tab or mouse click in there!
For the first time I have seen the other side of the coin. I am used to using the space bar to jump down the page (both with mobile and computer). Since I have snazzed up with a personalized home, I often go there to NOT just search for something, but to rather get a glimpse of my word.
When this happens, I hit space to go down and then wonder why nothing has happened for a micro-second, until I realise that the search element is auto focused and I am typing in space characters.
Hmm, so sometimes I want it focused (when I go to for a search, which is rarer since these days you normally search from the browser chrome itself), and other times I don't. To make things work, I wish that the app would capture the keypress, and if it is anything other than A-z0-9"' don't type it in (so space would still scroll down. Of course, this is just for the first keypress.