This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Dec 27, 2006 02:51 PST] 21 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
Apache Cocoon 2.1.10 is a web development framework built around the concept of separation of concerns (that is: allowing people to do their job without having to step on each other toes) and component-oriented web RAD.
Apache XMLGraphics Commons 1.1 is a library that consists of several reusable components used by Apache Batik and Apache FOP.
Compiling Java to JavaScript. In this interview with Artima, Scott Blum, the Google software engineer behind GWT's Java-to-JavaScript compiler, talks about the challenges of turning Java code into JavaScript.
Bitgate Server Software Environment 0.3.0 aims to build a multi-protocol environment in which server protocol handlers can be eventually loaded and unloaded on the fly using a center console or controller Web page.
Open-RJ 1.6.2 is an library that implements readers for the Record-Jar structured text file format. Mappings are provided to several languages and technologies, including C++, COM, D, Java, .NET, Python, Ruby, and STL.
Steve Anglin's winners and loser for 2006. It is close to end of the year and with this event comes lists, all kinds of lists of things that happened as well as things that could happen. In this spirit Steve Anglin has blogged about his winners and losers in 2006.