This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Nov 13, 2006 05:29 PST] 14 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
RMBench Relational Modeller 1.0.2 provides a one-stop focused solution for modelling relational databases from within the Eclipse environment.
Sun open sources Java SE, ME, and Glassfish under GPLv2. Sun announced that Java SE, Java ME, and Glassfish are being open source under the GNU General Public License version two (GPLv2) with Sun releasing an early build of the Java SE 7 HotSpot JVM, the javac compiler, and JavaHelp.
Iris Server 2.1 is a complete solution for developing high performance Java distributed applications implementing remote procedure call over a versatile binary wire protocol.
BeanForm 0.6 is a single-line POJO editor component for Tapestry 4.x that eliminates the boilerplate code necessary to create an edit form.
Joda-Time 1.4 includes 7 new classes to express periods better.
JIDE 1.9.4 introduces JIDE Pivot Grid. Pivot Grid is a Java/Swing implementation of the famous PivotTable feature as you can find in Microsoft Excel.
Java SE 6 Release Candidate includes many new features, including scripting language support and integrated Web services.
JCite 1.6 makes it possible to cite snippets of Java source code in your HTML documents (API documentation, for instance).
Apache Ant 1.7.0RC1 is a Java based build tool, similar to make, but with better support for the cross platform issues involved with developing Java applications.
JOpt.SDK TourPlanner 1.0.9 is an automated shipment planning and dispatching component for both Java/J2SE and .NET.
OVal 0.7 is a generic Java 5 based object validation framework that uses annotations or XML to express constraints and optionally AspectJ to handle automatic validation (programming by contract).
ImageInfo 1.9 is a single Java class that examines InputStream and RandomAccessFile objects.