This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Fred Grott.
Original Post: Apache Geronimo 1.2 Articles
Feed Title: ShareMe Technologies LLC-The Mobile Future
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Feed Description: A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology.
I may have an opportunity to write some technical articles about Apache Geronimo 1.2. I say Apache Geronimo 1.2 because to adequately cover Apache Pluto, Tomcat6, Ajax, and Web2.0 I would have to preview and use both Apache Geronimo 1.2 and Tomcat6.
IBM DeveloperWorks is helpful when I can get the more direct feedback as that feedback is always on time and in a timely manner. It is the obstacle between me and IBM DeveloperWorks that of course delays stuff due to getting a run-around. What is aggravating is that I see Apache Geronimo 1.2 and Eclipse Friends, the next WEB 2.0 platform as a book proposal in my mind.
I just do not see how the obstacle between me and IBM DevelopersWorks delaying feedback to me on getting this set of articles/tutorials out to IBM DeveloperWorks is in IBM's or my best interest.
It is tough enough having to complete technical article son alpha versions of Apache Geronimo 1.2 and Tomcat6 how about a little freaking respect for a developer?!