Erik C. Thauvin
Posts: 4232
Nickname: ethauvin
Registered: Apr, 2004
Erik C. Thauvin maintains one of the web's first and most popular linkblogs.
[Oct 18, 2006 14:02 PDT] 25 Links
Posted: Oct 18, 2006 2:25 PM
JSP Prize Tags 3.1.9-beta adds tree DAO's to the Tree Tag.
SysUpTime Network Monitor 3.11 is a powerful network/systems management product.
NetKernel 3.1 has been released under both the 1060 Research open-source and commercial licenses.
Including AJAX Functionality in a Custom JavaServer Faces Component . This tutorial describes how to add the power of AJAX to JavaServer Faces components with some help from the DOJO toolkit.
Leveraging Security in the Native Platform Using Java SE 6 Technology . The Java SE platform contains a large set of security APIs and tools. This article discusses important enhancements on native security integration using JDK 6.
Cédric — Annotation transformers in Java .
HelpSetMaker 1.0.2 allows creation and maintenance of help documents.
doxygen 1.5.0 is a cross-platform, JavaDoc-like documentation system for C++, C, Objective-C, C#, Java, IDL, Python, and PHP.
Java Embedded Python 2.0 (Jepp) embeds CPython in Java.
Java Service Wrapper 3.2.3 is a configurable tool which allows Java applications to be installed and controlled like native NT or Unix services.
Jameleon 3.3-M2 is an automated testing framework that can be used by technical and non-technical users alike.
GFP 0.6.2 is a Java/Swing personal finance manager that is translated to 9 languages and is being translated to more.
VRaptor 2.2.2 is a Web-based MVC and IOC framework based on many frameworks and ideas (Seam, Stripes, Webwork, Hibernate Annotations, etc).
Sequoia 2.10.1 (formerly known as the Clustered JDBC project) provides high availability and performance scalability for databases.
Jawflow 1.0.0 is a workflow engine that partially conforms to WfMC ( directives.
edtFTPj/PRO 1.3.0 is a Java library that performs secure file transfers.
GeoServer 1.4.0-RC1 connects your information to the Geospatial Web.
JOLIE 0.2.2 (Java Orchestration Language Interpreter Engine) provides a high-level programming language for service orchestration, like WS-BPEL.
Adam — Non Java Programmers, are often the best Java EE developers (Sad But True) :-)
Cameron — Coherence 3.2 Release Candidate (build 363) is now available .
Chris — Conspiracy of One .
Howard — HiveMind now an Apache Top Level Project .
Shay — Compass 1.0.1 Released .
Stephane — Jbuilder = Eclipse = Jbuilder ?
Bobby — Daylight Savings Time and Java .
Read: [Oct 18, 2006 14:02 PDT] 25 Links