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Saving an Indy Domain Name Start-Up

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Fred Grott

Posts: 4361
Nickname: shareme
Registered: Jan, 2003

Fred Grott is Lead Developer-CEO of ShareMe Technologies LLC -The Mobile Future
Saving an Indy Domain Name Start-Up Posted: Oct 12, 2006 8:54 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz by Fred Grott.
Original Post: Saving an Indy Domain Name Start-Up
Feed Title: ShareMe Technologies LLC-The Mobile Future
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Feed Description: A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology.
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What is interesting is all the factual stuff showing the large pattern of lying, material miss representations, and etc. From 1099s being seriously miss stated and not even matching payments to a large body of factual stuff proving CEO's girlfriend was in top management and actually was the accounting department and wrote the checks as the writing matches her writing habits.

Correcting the 1099s and paying debt owed may be easier than facing the free legal forum that will review this set of facts and documents and will compel both the CEO and his girlfriend to face the new 'charges'. Plus, imagine the high tech training to finally being able to produce database driven e-commerce high paying web applications instead of pretending to actually produce them. Gosh it would mean no longer lying about clients on the front page of one's commercial websites.

Of course that still will not correct the content grammar mistakes from a MS degreed CEO's girlfriend who still has trouble error checking her own web content and her boyfriend's web content. Some of the grammar errors have been in place for 6 years or more. I find that over reliance on MS Word produces some these errors as MS Word still uses the same exact 'grammar engine' from 10 years ago with the same exacvt grammar checking problems. In fact is was the first warning the Science students got at Purdue university in the mid 1990s not to rely on MS Word for grammar checking.

One plus of training at the undergrad and graduate level in science concurrently pursuing 9+ majors is that you become fast and accurate in writing very technical reports with correct grammar. I remember even being able to 'bluebook' several science reports over weekends at Purdue University and then finish them up Monday morning in the computer lab.

Hi! Gosh I wish I could save the start-up that a CEO's girlfriend begged me to save in fall of 2001 with crying tears in her eyes.

Read: Saving an Indy Domain Name Start-Up

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