This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Fred Grott.
Original Post: Incremental Builds Set-Up Progress-Debian
Feed Title: ShareMe Technologies LLC-The Mobile Future
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Feed Description: A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology.
Well, the CruiseControl 2.5 deb package from ThoughtWorks worked. Thus, now I have access to cruisecontrol and the web interface through jetty. Setting up JBoss AS, JBoss Portal, and Kosmos can be completed later as it adds the ability to monitor other project builds besides the ones on CruiseControl. Of course Jboss has to be set to a port other than 8080.
Long term, I wil be getting a simple low cost desktop PC and install ThoughtWorks Buildix Debian/Knoppix distro on it and thus have a pre-configured incremental build server.