I was talking with (that is, "emailing") Sara Dornsife today and I said,
[P]ut an entry into upcoming.org. The brat-pack, uber-geeks all
use this already, and they've been mentioning it on TWiT recently...meaning that people are scanning it.
I've gone through several "event" pages at vendors recently looking for events going on in Austin. I've had pleasant success with the Oracle Developer Days in Austin: they're great for studying up on Oracle's offerings. Of course, being an RSS nut, I hate actually having to go to a bunch of different web-sites for the same type of content. I'd rather go to one web-site for the same type of content (events), even if that content is from different, competing people.
So, capturing what might be some "tacit advice": if you're running events, I highly suggest you take the 2-5 minutes it takes to put it into upcoming.org.