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Original Post: Allatori has released the Allatori Java Obfuscator 1.2, a $775 payware program for obfuscating...
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Allatori has released the Allatori Java Obfuscator 1.2, a $775 payware program for obfuscating Java .class files to prevent understanding and delay decompilation. Why anyone cares about such products is beyond me. Most software doesn't require preventing users from inspecting its code, and the very little software that does require such protection can't be adequately protected by such tools. The only way to really protect algorithms is to not run them on a client computer: run them on a server that accepts inputs and provides outputs, but never actually runs code on the client. The whole obfuscation game is even more flawed than DRM. To paraphrase Bruce Schneier, trying to prevent software from being reverse engineered is like trying to prevent water from flowing downhill. I suggest renaming this product "Canute".