I was writing up a response to a reporter's questions about the new round of systems management companies (for example, FiveRuns, OpenCountry [which I haven't seen yet], Hyperic, Qlusters, Versiera, SourceLabs, Splunk, Spiceworks, the OMC crew, etc.) and found myself wanting to type "Systems Management 2.0" as their moniker. I felt cheesy, and avoided it.
While most of the platforms in that group have much of the spirit and technology of Web 2.0, the "2.0 meme" seems a bit tired. I don't want to be the one to establish that phrase.
What is the Label?
That said, increasingly, I need a general label to apply to what I find myself calling "The New Systems Management Folks" or "The New Crop of Systems Management Companies and Projects." As those two clunky phrased show, I haven't come up with a good phrase yet.
For those of you either in that group or who are interested in them, what do you call yourselfs/them? Or, what phrases do you think would work? Or...does Systems Management 2.0 fit the bill?