This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by James Gosling.
Original Post: Back at work again
Feed Title: James Gosling: on the Java road...
Feed URL: /jag/feed/entries/rss?cat=%2FJava
Feed Description: I've been inescapably tagged as "the Java guy", despite the fact that I havn't worked in the Java product organization for a couple of years (I do still kibbitz). These days I work at Sun's research lab about two thirds of the time, and do customer visits and talks the other third. For more detail...
Having taken a chunk of time off in August to hang out with family
(including one very active 90-year-old aunt's birthday party) I'm back at
work. This week I've been visiting customers and participating in
developer events. I spent Monday in Zurich visiting developers. The rest
of the week I've spent in St Petersburg (not Florida). We did a big
developer event on Thursday and ended up with hugely more folks attending
than we had expected. We had people sitting in the aisles in the theatre.
Besides having cornered the world market in over-the-top palaces,
St Petersburg has a large population of talented software developers.
Sun has an engineering center here where we do a lot of work on JavaSE
and JavaME and C/C++/Fortran(!) optimizing compilers.