This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Michael Cote.
Original Post: Gizmo Seems Pretty Cool
Feed Title: Cote's Weblog: Coding, Austin, etc.
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Feed Description: Using Java to get to the ideal state.
After a spotty RedMonk stand-up meeting call this morning with all 3 of us, Steve and I just tried out Gizmo. It seems quite nice, and definitly more featureful than Skype.
We did cut out a couple times on both ends -- but it was a delay instead of a complete drop of content. Recording was super-easy too: just click record, and it dumps a WAV in a directory. That's much easier than the usual combo of programs I use to record Skype calls.
The conference option is slightly more complex, but gives you a "normal" phone number for people to call into. That is, we could start doing more podcast recordings and just give out a normal conference phone number for guests (or ourselves when we're away from a computer) to call into.
As someone who spends a lot of time futzing with getting podcast recording setup, both of these things are huge for me.
More importantly, the potential for making my voice-life easier and more inline with the rest of my online life makes me suddenly extremely interested in SIP and Asterisk. As you may have heard me complaining in 4-letter word tirades before, I really dislike American telcos: their innovation rate seems shockingly slow and their lock-everything-down mentality is anathema to, well, how I think things should be done.
I'll have to use it for several weeks before I can make a real judgement about it, but so far, it seems pretty cool. And check out the Adium integrations. OS X screenshots on the front page, Adium's as if Gizmo is after my heart ;>