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by Weiqi Gao.
Original Post: That English, No, Aussie, Accent
Feed Title: Weiqi Gao's Weblog
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Feed Description: Sharing My Experience...
I don't know about you, but in the last five years, the technical presentations I've heard, some in person, most over podcasts, tend to be delivered by a guy with an accent, British, Australian, Russian, Hungarian, French, Indian, etc.
Well, the Create Passionate Users's Kathy Sierra noticed it too and listed the accent as one of the reasons Damian Conway's presentations are brilliant:
I'll summarize a few points here, but for a deeper look, check out these blog notes someone took at Damian's Presentation Akido talk (teaching geeks to give presentations), which I haven't seen but hope to one day.
Damian is brilliant. One of those scary smart guys. So there's that.
And he's entertaining, has a wonderful voice, and that English (oops) Aussie accent.
I learned my English with a pretty standard (I was told) London accent. However I gave it all away after decades of living in the United States. Maybe I should pick that British accent up and start getting into the technical presentations fields.