IBM is pretty much pushing the Power Architecture these days, especially among ISVs with Java background. Of course they actively try to buy customers into partitioned Linux PPC guests (i/5 OS or AIX simply sounds too proprietary). So far i was quite a fan of this architecture until i experienced one really really weak point. There is no Java Profiler on the market supporting these PPC platforms at this point, at least not on linux (IMO there is some kind of AIX support at some vendors). Normally you would say that this is no problem because you can profile the app on your development machine where you most likely have standard hardware but all of you being into performance/memory trouble so far will agree that normally you cant emulate a production machine because you just dont have the amount of transactions on your dev machine. Its very hard to figure out certain problems without seeing the real life. So IBM, do us all a favor and supply the relevant vendors with hardware/knowledge/whatsoever so that they easily can provide something to the ISVs (dial the ej-Technologies guys first :)) Right now i am unsure if i should promote a platform to customers without a profiler on the market.