This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Simon Brown.
Original Post: Pebble 2.0.0-M3 available
Feed Title: Simon Brown's weblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: My thoughts on Java, software development and technology.
Well I did say that Pebble 2.0.0-M3 would be up on this week and I'm pleased to say that it is. You can download it from here. The changelog is as follows.
Reinstated the static pages feature.
Added response (comment and TrackBack) specific feeds.
Added blog entry caching to improve performance.
Added Comment Confirmation Listeners for CAPTCHA support.
Minor bug fixes.
Added multiBlog property to the applicationContext-pebble.xml file.
Changed configuration of pebbleUserDetailsService and added pebbleSecurityRealm to the applicationContext-acegi-security.xml file.
Added a ROLE_BLOG_PUBLISHER role that can publish/unpublish blog entries.
Minor changes to CSS (title, subtitle and subsubtitle -> h1, h2 and h3 respectively).
If you're upgrading from Pebble 1.x, there are some upgrade notes included in the distribution. If you're upgrading from M2, the last four items in the above changelog are most relevant and you'll need to make some minor changes if you're planning on reusing your existing configuration files. Oh, and don't forget to make sure that one of your users is in the new publisher role otherwise you won't be able to publish blog entries!
We're now feature complete and heading towards a final 2.0.0 release. Still on the todo list is improved documentation (e.g. around customizing the Acegi configuration and developing your own plugins), but that's really it unless anybody reports any showstoppers. Also, I need to reinstate JIRA. Any and all feedback is welcome.