Jacob is, as far as I know, the only Java-ActiveX bridge that supports
COM event handling. I updated win32com.jacob module so that the following DHTML script works as expected. When you click the button, a Pnuts function of the script is called. As the result, the button is replaced with the message "Clicked".
All I've done so far is just an experiment. What I would like to see (eventually if possible) is Java API that
provides essential features that allow DHTML/Ajax scripting in Java, which should include an implementation of DHTML object model, event handling, and XMLHttpRequest. It would be nice if such DHTML scripting
API is distributed with JRE, installed as a browser's plugin, and runs without Swing/AWT.
Once DHTML scripting can be done in Java, JSR-223 languages can also be used, although slow startup interpreters
would not be useful for this purpose.