This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Jun 27, 2006 05:46 PDT] 12 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
Kickstarting Google Web Toolkit on the Client Side. In this article, S. E. Morris takes the Google Web Toolkit and focuses exclusively on the client side, showing how to perform sophisticated layout and animation and providing compelling demos that never make a server call.
Web Tier to Go With Java EE 5: Introducing the EL #{...} Syntax. The fifth article of the Java EE 5 platform series discusses the new unified expression language's support for the dollar-sign and pound syntaxes (aligning JSP and JavaServer Faces technologies), satisfying the needs for both immediate and deferred expressions, and for preserving backwards compatibility.
Roma Framework 0.9.6 is a POJO-based Java framework with concepts taken from Ruby On Rails.
IBM Rational Team API 1.0 is a unified, client-side Eclipse-based Java API for version 7.0.0 of Rational ClearCase, ClearQuest, and Requisite Pro.
goText 1.0 is a program for Java mobile phones that allows you to send text messages over GPRS/EDGE/UMTS.
YourKit Java Profiler 6.0-EAP11 is a CPU and memory profiler that makes it easy to solve wide range of CPU- and memory-related performance problems.
Java Interactive Profiler 1.0.7 is a code profiler for Java. It features the ability to turn the profiler on and off at run time as well as the capability to filter out classes and packages.
Atomsphere 1.0.0 is a Java library for creating and modifying Atom 1.0 compliant feed documents.
Java Preferences Tool 0.6 is a simple utility for Java developers and testers, in the spirit of Microsoft's Registry Editor. It allows you to view, edit, compare, and search Java preferences.
Access Modifier Eclipse Plug-in 1.2.6 allows the user to change the visibility (public, protected, default, private) and other modifiers (final, static) of Java classes, interfaces, methods, and fields in the workbench's Outline, Members, and Package Explorer views.