This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Michael Cote.
Original Post: Using Technorati
Feed Title: Cote's Weblog: Coding, Austin, etc.
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Feed Description: Using Java to get to the ideal state.
In a kind comment on the recent HOWTO posts, Thomas said:
I'm beginning to get the point of this delicious thing, unlike technorati which promised so much, only to disappoint.
What Technorati's Good For: Search, Tags, and Microformats
Indeed, figuring out Technorati takes a bit of patience. To me, there are 3 things that Technorati does:
It filters out all the spam and crap from blog searches that you see in and has more human authored content than other blog search services. I, of course, subscribe to RSS feeds that track incoming links to this blog, RedMonk in general, and my personal blog, I use blogsearch and technorati, and technorati always comes with the quality content. blogsearch is filled with trade-rag reposts and spam blogs. Weird that Google can't figure that out, huh?
Technorati tags is good for surfing topics and publishing tags. For example, I can go to (or, more likely, subscribe to the RSS feed) to see a lot of posts tagged with "powershell." In the same way that technorati does a good job of filtering out the crap and spam, the tagged posts tend to be "real" content from real people, not just spam bots or reposts. As James bounded into us for awhile, tagging a post with technorati tags is always worth at least a handful of incoming links. It's good for information consumers and producers.
I use the microformat search to play around with microformats. If the service wasn't so new, I'd be disappointed at how "lite" it is, but it only came out last month, so I'm happy with the functionality is long as it continues to grow.
Technorati also has some good platform capabilities built it into, along with several smart folks working there that are scaling out the functionality, microformats being the current example, and tags the previous.
In summary: technorati has figured out how to filter out all the crap from blogosphere searches, meaning I can get high quality content from them.