While San Diego Code Camp, which is taking place this weekend in the UCSD Extension facilities, looks more than just a little Microsoft .net heavy, there are some really good speakers lined-up, with very interesting topics.
To give attendees a change see some cool .net-free stuff and reflect on how to inject innovation into your project, I will present my favorite talk: Innovate - Tweak, Hack, and Bend Technology.
Attendees will see how a small device (available for about $100 at Dallas Semiconductor), about the size of an iPod Shuffle, but capable of executing Java-Byte-Code, is turned into a Web server. After taking a very close look inside the workings of a digital toy camera, (available for about $10 on eBay), we are connecting it to the embedded device, creating a full featured web-cam.
Then we are going to write some Java code that we load on to the device and execute and even run some JUnit tests remotely. But be warned, we are targeting an 8-bit processor running at only 40 MHz and its 1MB SRAM serves as file-system, program memory, and runtime heap.
Along the way we may add some more hardware and learn a few things about how CMOS sensors capture image data and how a Bayer-Pattern can be used to decode the sensor data.
San Diego Code Camp is taking place this weekend in the UCSD Extension buildings see you in Room 143, 1:15 P to 2:30 PM: Innovate - Tweek, Hack, and Bend Technology