This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Ben Hosking.
Original Post: SCJP 5 : Declarations, Initialization and Scoping aritcle
Feed Title: A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World
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Feed Description: The blog looks at using Java and programming in general as it pops up in life as a Java programmer. It will have links to interesting Java articles and resources. It will also have a lot of SCJP Java 1.5 information and links as I am currently studying
I found this brilliant link to basically a sample chapter on the topic of Declarations, Initization and Scoping.There are six articles so it is a fairly comprehensive on the topic.If you are thinking about doing the SCJP 5 Java Exam then reading this is a really good way to understand what is involved studying for the exam.You suddenly realise how many things you let your IDE just do and how tough the exam is going to be. So if you want help taming the Tiger and get prepared for the Java exam CX-310-055 (Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0) this article will set you on your way