This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Michael Cote.
Original Post: Dork Day
Feed Title: Cote's Weblog: Coding, Austin, etc.
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Feed Description: Using Java to get to the ideal state.
Kim went to Houston this weekend to visit her mother, so it's dork-out time for me at home. In that vein, here are some early Saturday morning geek-links:
A stab at critiquing Ant, but, "The reason I haven't moved back to make is social not technical. Ant has two characteristics to which I'm highly sympathetic - worse is better, and view source. It's far, far, easier to get folks to first accept, then use, then extend, Ant, than it is to get them to use make - make is freakish by comparison."
A reminder that promises like, "EJB enables you to purchase off-the-shelf components from one vendor, combine them with components from another vendor, and run those components in an application server written by yet a third vendor" are always something to chuckle about.
Strategic value of research -
"I haven't done the right research on this particular issue yet, but it leads me to a bigger trend ... As we continue the US economy's "jobless recovery", and the quality of life of many people who are lucky enough to have those few jobs continues to be impinged upon, we should ask the very simple question -> where is all this increased productivity coming from? If it's from technology and we're able to leverage less effort to do more work, that is good. But beware if it is simply from us putting in more hours per day because we feel we have to."
Laptop Commentary - "For some reason, most desktop-replacement notebooks are about the size of a George Foreman Grill (Take your pick on the model). Lighter PC notebooks just don't pack the features, although this is rapidly changing."