Dean Wette: At last... I'm blogging... or at least making the attempt. This has been one of my low priority todos for a awhile. I just needed a Round Tuit to get started, and I got one...
And of course, not being a native English speaker, I am immediately intrigued by this "Round Tuit" thing that Dean got. And I have to do a Google search, which lead me to Wikipedia's explanation.
Well, that's the easy part. Down at the bottom of that page, there's a link to "Category: Jokes," which I can't resist but to click on... To make a long story short, I was trapped in Wikipedia for five minutes.
Of all the websites out there, Wikipedia is the only one that has the ability to trap me in for an extended periods of time.
Anyway, happy blogging Dean. Once you get over the blogger's block on day 21, it will be free sailing from then on out.