Web applications rule the enterprise. That's the indisputable conclusion to be drawn from this year's InfoWorld Programming Survey. Despite imperitives from Microsoft and others that developers abandon server-based HTML apps for fat desktop clients, the ease of "zero deployment" through the browser continues to win the day.
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Nobody wants to write it twice if they don't have to. In our survey, when asked what the biggest obstacle to reusing software is, only 10 percent say programmer disinclination. The top obstacles are lack of awareness of software available for reuse and the level of effort required to design software for reuse.
Satisfaction with current reusage levels is almost evenly divided: 44 percent of respondents say they are satisfied and 41 percent say they aren't. But exactly what kind of reusability are they talking about? Interestingly, 69 percent say "shared libraries" (.dll, .so, Java classes, and .Net libraries) have high reusability benefit, whereas only 42 percent say "components" (COM objects, JavaBeans, and so on), this despite the fact that virtually all software companies now tout component-based development as the Holy Grail of reusability.