For some reason the submit button on a search widget wasn't submitting under Safari. It works totally fine in the other browsers, but Safari? nothing.
Hmm. The onsubmit event wasn't even getting called. You click the button, and nothing.
Is it one of the annoying bugs to do with naming the submit button or something lame like that?
Nope, this one turned out to be due to an event handler placed on the body element:
document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0).onclick = function() {}
Safari would take this click and call this function, and wouldn't run the click event that the submit button has intrinsically.
Of course, the line of code above didn't actually exist, it was created via the myriad of JavaScript libraries that this web application was using.
Read: Safari Issue: Cascading of mouse events and why input type="submit" wasn't working