Michael Cote
Posts: 10306
Nickname: bushwald
Registered: May, 2003
Cote is a programmer in Austin, Texas.
Links for 2006-04-14 [del.icio.us]
Posted: Apr 14, 2006 10:46 PM
Toni’s Garage » Automattic funding
Funding of WordPress.com.
David Pierce, The Economics of Open Content Symposium: The Economics of the Public DomainThe Economics of Film and Television I
The Dashboard Spy
A weblog with dashboard screenshots. Yuh! It says "a collection of enterprise dashboard screenshots."
Innovation for Demanding Change
Composite Apps, Mashups, Bricolage, Kant, and Hume.
SAP Sharpens Application Management Tool to Help Customers Easily Master Their IT Environments
SOA management in NetWeaver.
Oracle Developer Day, in Austin, Wed. May 10th 2006.
Looks like fun. I'll see about getting in. It is free, after all.
Bill de hÓra: Not a whit
Bill stirs the pot on validating microformats, "the question is - what should we optimize for, people or machines?"
Software's Chronic Crisis; Scientific American; September 1994
"When a system becomes so complex that no one manager can comprehend the entirety, traditional development processes break down."
CA buys Cybermation
War heroine honoured 63 years on
Just face it, girls: MySpace is like so totally over
Oracle Open Source Projects - The Interviews
Read: Links for 2006-04-14 [del.icio.us]