Jeff Brown: The examples covered here really only begin to cover the capabilities defined by the EJB 3 Persistence specification. The hope is that this information will serve as a practical guide to help developers get started with the API. The best way to get started with the API is to setup a development environment that will allow examples like those discussed in this article to be executed and experimented with. Developers will find that compared with writing JDBC code or even working with other object-to-relational mapping solutions, the EJB 3 Persistence API is very straightforward and easy to work with.
As with all JNB articles, this one gently leads you into the EJB3 code examples by first providing you with the necessary information to set up your development environment. Go ahead, print it out, follow along, and try out the examples.
"Aha, that what they meant when they said EJB3 is easy!" That's my reaction after reading this article. I hope it will be yours too.