This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Apr 6, 2006 15:03 PDT] 16 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
Exception-Handling Antipatterns. Try, catch, log, or return null? The Java language gives you many options for dealing with exceptions, and with them, many ways to shoot yourself in the foot.
JAXX 0.94 is an XML user interface language for Java which features extremely powerful data binding, event handling, and CSS support.
JAlbum 6.4 is a free, popular web photo album generator.
JExcel 1.0 is the library built on our proven JNIWrapper and ComfyJ technologies that allows Java developers to integrate their Java software with Microsoft Office Excel.
Daffodil Replicator 2.1 is a beta release with support for MySQL database replication as its major feature.
LMS OLAT 4.1.1 (Online Learning And Training) is an enterprise class learning management system.
WebGraph 1.5 is a framework for studying Web graphs. It provides simple methods for managing very large graphs by exploiting modern compression techniques.
Cayenne 1.2B1 is a free object-relational persistence framework written in Java. This beta release features peer nested DataContexts synchronization via DataChannel events and performance improvements in the Remote Objects Persistence client tier.
Java Parallel Processing Framework 0.13.0 is a set of tools and APIs to facilitate the parallelization of CPU intensive applications, and distribute their execution over a network of heterogenous nodes.
OpenDMTP 1.1.3 (Open Device Monitoring and Tracking Protocol) is a highly configurable and extensible protocol for communicating with mobile devices over high-latency/low-bandwidth networks.