This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Mar 10, 2006 08:12 PST] 15 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
Cache4j Performance Tester 0.4 is package for testing java caching API. Tested libraries: cache4j_0.4, ehcache-1.1, jcs-, oscache-2.2.
PgsAction 1.0 RC 2 is a simple, yet powerful framework for working with the Swing Action-API. It is optimized for use in dynamic contexts (for example: in cooperation with a Plugin-Framework).
DocWrench 0.7 is a modern doclet for JavaDoc. Its result is similar to the API documentation generated by the standard doclet, however it makes the most of present DHTML format.
Code Crusader 5.0.0 is a graphical IDE. The new version runs on Mac OS X and Cygwin, in addition to Linux..
Axiomatic Multi-Platform C 1.3.9 (AMPC), a C compiler suite with an IDE that generates Java bytecode to produce platform independent applicatons.
SLF4J 1.0 (Simple Logging Facade for Java) acts as a facade for various logging APIs allowing to the end-user to plug in the desired implementation at deployment time.
JRegexpTester 0.36 is a standalone Swing application that helps you test regular expressions with the Java standard API (java.util.regex).
dinamica 2.1.1 is a powerful and very easy to use framework for J2EE Web development.
YajHFC 0.2.4 (Yet Another Java Hylafax Client) is a platform independent client for the Hylafax fax server.
Real Interfaces Visualizer 1.1 (river) is an easy-to-use GUI multi-platform system for Java programmers to assemble and manage complex, interaction-enabled, three-dimensional user interfaces.
jConfigXML 2.9 is a configuration manager written in Java that works with XML files and a URL or LDAP repository to read the configuration properties.