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by dion.
Original Post: Safari Submit Button Weirdness
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I have a hard time making sure that Safari bloody works. Don't get me wrong, I like the browser, but it is frustrating to fight it.
Although it bugs me, I kinda understand where they are coming from, when it comes to buttons and form elements and styling.
Sure, I would like to be able to control the buttons on my site, but Steve Jobs is a smarter man than I, so he wants the Mac buttons to all be aqua.... go for it.
Where it does get on my nerves is when there are strange bugs such as a recent one.
I have a form, yet if you click on the submit button nothing happens.
I attach handlers to the form onsubmit to see if it is ever getting called... and it isn't. If I type something into the email text box and hit return? it clicks the button, and nothing is called.
I can't make this thing do anything, until I put something into the onclick handler (and in onclick="" versus via DOM):
So, if I force it... it works. I can't even find anything on this on Google, (or Quirksmode, or the Webkit bug database) as there probably is something dumb that I haven't seen (please tell me!).
I have ran across this kind of thing in the past where I had to jump to use <button> and put weird text in between else the styling didn't work, etc etc.