This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Michael Cote.
Original Post: Links for 2006-01-25 []
Feed Title: Cote's Weblog: Coding, Austin, etc.
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Using Java to get to the ideal state.
CIO’s role set for major changes
"The survey results make it very clear that business expectations of IT have changed dramatically, and executives are expecting their CIOs to move beyond concerns about cost, security and quality to help grow the business,"
Apple's iWork Gains Desktop Territory
"Office [had] 95% percent of U.S. retail sales last year, but Apple upped its share to 2.7 percent of the sector ahead of Corel's 1.6 percent of the market."
Math Will Rock Your World
As I told Matt Ray, "I think I've finally found a computer topic that bores me."
Distributing the Future
"O'Reilly Media's weekly podcast featuring the technology and the people behind what you use now and what you'll use next."
WP Audioscrobbler
Excellent and easy plugin to list your recently played tracks in WordPress. Look for it in use on the sidebar of
ADC Membership Comparison Chart
Is $3,500 is worth it. I'm a cheap bastard (only Sam Walton is cheaper than me...well...except for Apple products), so the slope is impossibly high ;)
Apple seeing strong sales of iMac Core Duo, MacBook Pro
BAAM! What will the Disney-Pixar merger bring? Perhaps that'll be finally the bit that fixes old media. Better: Apple steals Google's Wall St. lime-light, and it'll be AAPL instead of GOOG.
Two Graduated Jiggers
In case you didn't know, one of my top 5 artists, Jon Wayne, has a new album available. "Texas Funeral" is definitly a "stuck on a desert island" album, so I have hope for the new one.