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by Wolf Paulus.
Original Post: Declarative Programming, emphasizing UI Generation at Runtime
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Feed Description: Journal - dedicated to excellence, and motivated by enthusiasm to trying new things
On Saturday, I was given the chance to talk at the 2006 Southern California CodeCamp.
My talk was all about Declarative Programming in Java with an emphasize on GUI generation at runtime using XUL motors like Thinlet and Swixml, where Graphical User Interfaces are described in XML documents that are parsed and rendered at runtime.
This late binding of the GUI has many advantages. E.g., enabling features, which are based on a license code or a user's role, does not have to be hard coded anymore. Instead an XML document describing the application's GUI could be dynamically loaded.
While open-source projects like Thinlet and Swixml focus mainly on the GUI, they are also good examples for how declarative programming can be done in Java.
Presentation slides are available here: Declarative Programming, emphasizing UI Generation at Runtime