This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Oliver Kiessler.
Original Post: The end of the karma framework
Feed Title: Oliver Kiessler's Weblog
Feed URL:®istrar=sedopark
Feed Description: Oliver Kiessler's Weblog about Java, Ruby on Rails, the karma framework and Graffito
I have decided that there will be no new karma mvc and jcr release because of the lack of interest by the open source community. The article I wrote back in October 2005 was my last attempt to get people exited and involved. I got some positive feedback back then but not enough to keep this thing going. After all, it is not easy to create a community for a framework all by yourself, especially for an mvc framework because there are so many out there.
For my part there are no hard feelings about it because I learned quiet a bit about how to build a framework. And as you have guessed it with this knowledge, I would not build it like this again...
If you are interested in maintaining the code and continue what I have started, please send me an email and we will talk it over.
Also, if you need support for existing applications based on the karma framework, please let me know and I will help you out.
If you will miss karma-jcr, please have a look at the graffito jcr-mapping and jcr-nodemanagement framework by the Apache Software Foundation. This is the project I am also involved with and that I will continue to work on.