This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Brian McCallister.
Original Post: Rails Presentations from ApacheCon '05
Feed Title: Waste of Time
Feed URL:
Feed Description: A simple waste of time and weblog experiment
Copies of my Rails presentation from ApacheCon US '05 are up
(finally). My apologies for having the wrong one on the CD from the
conference. I think the CD makes up for it though by including a
presentation on Drools under the Rails talk demonstration, along
with the older version (and probably more useful to a non-live
audience) of the Rails slides.
This was a fun, though somewhat scary, talk to give. It was fun
because the subject is dear to my heart (I do believe that Ruby (and
Rails)) is better for a lot (not all) of the development being done
right now). It was scary because Rails is such a hot topic that it
lead to a really big audience and probably high expectations. Then
Craig and Craig started asking questions. Craig and Craig being
rather eminent people in their respective fields, those fields being
object/relational mapping and web frameworks respectively (rather
relevant to Rails).
Feedback aftward indicated that the presentation was useful and
enjoyable though. Phew!
If I can figure out a way to post the presentation complete with the
undead (not live, but it looks live) code I will. Right now that
would mean posting a 70 meg keynote file though and I don't want to
inflict that on my bandwidth consumption =(
ps: an interesting conversation occured right before the talk. It
was interesting for two reasons. First, the guy I was talking to (at
ApacheCon) responds to an email
address. Second, he was looking for someone to give a talk about
Rails (not for Microsoft directly, though).