This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Simon Brown.
Original Post: Wifi at JavaPolis on a Mac
Feed Title: Simon Brown's weblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: My thoughts on Java, software development and technology.
If you have a Mac and are trying to get access to the wifi, you've undoubtedly seen that it doesn't work. Both Safari and Firefox have problems rendering the pages. With a little help from Virtual PC (and therefore IE on Windows XP), I've been able to register and get access. To actually get wifi to work on the Mac natively, you need Internet Explorer for the initial registration and logon process. Here is a link to download IE for Mac OS X and a couple of people have a copy on their USB sticks. If you see me on iChat (Bonjour) and would like a copy, just drop me a note. Stick with it - you can get on the wifi!