This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Weiqi Gao.
Original Post: EJB 3.0 At The JUG
Feed Title: Weiqi Gao's Weblog
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Feed Description: Sharing My Experience...
Raj Patel from Harpoon Technologies began the talk with "I've done a lot of Hibernate work, but I've never done any EJB 2.1s. Those who did probably know how painful it was. EJB 3.0 is going to change that."
Having not read the EJB 3.0 specs myself (I'm waiting for the final version), I liked what I heard. I have seen earlier EJB 3.0 introductions on and elsewhere, but none of them registered. Again the open Eclipse project with live code helped.
The overwhelming impression I got from yesterday:
EJB 3.0 is very close to Hibernate
EJB 3.0 annotations are orders of magnitudes simpler than EJB 2.1 deployment descriptors
The EJB 2.1 concepts (stateless session beans, stateful session beans, entity beans, message driven beans, activation, passivation, declarative transaction management, declarative security management) all carry over to EJB 3.0. It's the syntax that is simplified
EJB 3.0 does dependency injection with annotations
EJB 3.0 does bean level method invocation interception (AOP) with annotations
EJBQL is similar to HQL (Hibernate query language)
Other observations:
Hibernate will evolve and be a superset of of EJB 3.0
EJB 3.0 offers some features that shadow the Spring Framework, but not enough to replace it
Raj says JDO is dead, JDO vendors are going EJB 3.0 (Solarmetric is bought by BEA.)
I guess a more pressing question is this: "Should I adopt EJB 3.0?"
And I think the answer is "It depends." If you've been following the open source developments pretty closely and are using Spring and Hibernate, there is no need to hurry. If you've stuck with the party line and are still doing EJB 2.1 or even 2.0, EJB 3.0 will look very attractive.