This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Wolf Paulus.
Original Post: FrontRow, you have been hacked
Feed Title: Wolf's Web Journal
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Feed Description: Journal - dedicated to excellence, and motivated by enthusiasm to trying new things
The big news on digg tonight is that Front Row has been hacked to run on the Mini and other Macs. And yes, Apple's Hacked Front Row runs on the old single Processor 1.8GHz PowerMac OK - but indexing images form the iPhoto Library or songs from ITunes seem to create problems every once in a while.
OS X 10.4.3 users can simple run the Front or copy it into /System/Library/CoreServices/ and reboot.
OS X 10.4.2 users need to copy BezelServices.framework into /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ and reboot before running the Front
Jackson Brown seems to have cracked the Front to skip the remote check and it should idle in the background once loaded.
Putting the focus on FrontRow in the Dock and pressing esc launches Front Row. Spacebar, esc, cursor left and right can are the navigation keys that replace the remote.