I'll be in Dallas at the IEEE symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing at the end of September. Despite the mouthful of a name - it's VL/HCC to its friends - this is one of the places for people who want to build their own graphical languages. These are people who really know what make graphical languages tick, and anyone thinking of building such a language should learn from these people's experience.
I'll be giving a tutorial on building DSM languages for full code generation on Saturday morning (24th September). You can still sign up for it at the early rate, up to September 7th (I twisted their arm!). If you don't want to go to the main conference during the preceding week, just come along to the tutorial ($80 for students, $95 for IEEE members, $145 for non-members). September 7th is a hard deadline, though: after that, they won't let you in for love or money!