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[Oct 13, 2005 11:48 PDT] 20 Links

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Erik C. Thauvin

Posts: 4232
Nickname: ethauvin
Registered: Apr, 2004

Erik C. Thauvin maintains one of the web's first and most popular linkblogs.
[Oct 13, 2005 11:48 PDT] 20 Links Posted: Oct 13, 2005 1:42 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Oct 13, 2005 11:48 PDT] 20 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
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Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
Latest Java Buzz Posts
Latest Java Buzz Posts by Erik C. Thauvin
Latest Posts From Erik's Linkblog

Jakarta Commons HttpClient 3.0rc4, the fourth and hopefully final release candidate. RC4 fixes a number of hard to find bugs left over in the previous release.

3D graphics for Java mobile devices, Part 1: M3G's immediate mode. How to use M3G by using code samples and figures to present the various aspects of this API.

Isolated unit testing of persistence with Derby. Get help developing your database-driven unit-testing skills.

Transactions in the Geronimo application server. Transactions are a necessary part of any Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application...

Get a better handle on Struts actions, with Spring. "Struts Recipes" co-author George Franciscus is back with another great Struts integration recipe — this time for importing Struts applications into the Spring framework.

Developing a Faces JSR 168 portlet using IBM Rational Application Developer 6.0 for autonomic computing: A simple portlet application of single portlet with a single JSP page.

Advertise Web services with Atom 1.0. Advertise Web services deployed on WebSphere Application Server using the new Atom 1.0 Syndication Format combined with the Web Services Addressing specification.

(Not So) Stupid Questions 5: Inheritance Versus Interfaces. This "stupid question" is about when to use inheritance and when to offer an interface.

xProcess 1.2, the dynamic process management tool that allows organizations to optimize plans, improve processes and manage resources throughout project execution.

BNF for Java 2005-10-12 alpha is an implementation of ISO-14977. Standard BNF defines a simple syntax for defining the grammar of any LALR parser.

AIS Navigator RC1 is a comprehensive marine navigation software package for recreational users.

Time for Tiger. How do you decide that it's time to move to J2SE 5.0?

Mobile 3D Tutorials in J2ME. Sony Ericsson has a number of different tutorials and examples on their developer website.

Java Jukebox 1.12 is a multiuser music server written in Java and aimed at home/office use.

JOrbis 0.0.16 is a pure Java Ogg Vorbis decoder. This release adds a property to the JOrbisPlayer applet to play the stream automatically at startup.

Big Faceless PDF Library 2.6.1 is a Java class library for creating PDF documents.

Ravenous 0.3.11 is a full-featured Web server written in Java. This release adds many small features and bugfixes along with the ability to return byte arrays as results from methods on controllers.

Xephyrus Data Structures Tag Library 1.5 provides an easy way to create and manipulate the contents of common Java data structures such as maps and lists from within JSPs using tags.

Coverlipse 0.9.4 is an Eclipse 3.x plugin for code coverage visualization of JUnit Tests. This version contains a few new icons, features, and bugfixes.

R.J. — Get Started Profiling Applications in Eclipse.

Read: [Oct 13, 2005 11:48 PDT] 20 Links

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