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"The awkwardness of the Internet"

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Michael Cote

Posts: 10306
Nickname: bushwald
Registered: May, 2003

Cote is a programmer in Austin, Texas.
"The awkwardness of the Internet" Posted: Oct 13, 2005 6:24 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz by Michael Cote.
Original Post: "The awkwardness of the Internet"
Feed Title: Cote's Weblog: Coding, Austin, etc.
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Using Java to get to the ideal state.
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As a follow-up to my hope that the entertainment industry embraces as many content distribution channels as possible, here's a quote from a brief interview, by Battelle, with NBC Universal CEO, Bob Wright:

We're going to try to make our programming as available and as marketable to as many forms of transmission as possible. We have broadcasting, cable, satellite, DVDs, and our theatrical base. We’ve seen wireless join recently, though it's still very early there.

But I think the one that we have't really embraced as much as we'd like is the Internet, which is represented by Lloyd and his compatriots. The awkwardness of the Internet is that in other forms of distribution we have a relative degree of comfort with the security of the programming that we're transmitting. We know there’s leakage from theaters, we know there are stolen and counterfeited DVDs, we know that people steal satellite cards and cable boxes. But each one of those channels has its own form of security. When we get to the Internet, it's just much harder. It's early in the process, and you don't have that level of protection.

Read: "The awkwardness of the Internet"

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