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by dion.
Original Post: Theory of Intelligent Falling
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I love it when the school board gets sin there with gems like:
The school board says there are "gaps" in evolution, which it emphasizes is a theory rather than established fact.
Ahh the theory argument. Well guys, I will soon publish my long anticpated Theory of Intelligent Falling. Gravity is only a theory after all.
Science needs to work with things that are provable. Intelligent design is a tough one to proove (although I know that some groups are trying to do so).
Another classic is:
Fifty-five percent of Americans believe God created humans in their present form, the poll found.
Wow. In 2005. And we wonder why were falling backwards in science and engineering education?
Do I think there is a place for i.D.? Sure. Philosophy class, comparitive religion class. Perfect.
And, read about I.D. to find out that it isn't just about a creator theory, it is much more than that. The creator theory and evolution can exist quite nicely together.