This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Oliver Kiessler.
Original Post: karma updates: Code cleanups, Config changes and Namespace adaptation
Feed Title: Oliver Kiessler's Weblog
Feed URL:®istrar=sedopark
Feed Description: Oliver Kiessler's Weblog about Java, Ruby on Rails, the karma framework and Graffito
I worked on karma quite a bit last weekend. The thing that most bothered me about karma as a whole was its weak exception handling. So I focused on that and changed karma-mvc and karma-jcr to a "wrapped exception" concept where karma exceptions just wrap the root cause exception. The result of this can be found in CVS. It will be available in karma-mvc 0.7 and karma-jcr 0.4.
The karma jcr repositorybrowser also benefits from these changes and there is also new development going on in CVS which will eventually be repositorybrowser 0.2.
I also had to adjust the repository.xml config file that Jackrabbit uses because they had xml syntax changes concerning the lucene search index. If you update to the latest CVS version please take care of your repository.xml!
Another change is that I am using a new naming scheme for Jackrabbit snapshot jars which is includes the date. This was needed because older versions of karma-jcr are not compatible with the latest Jackrabbit snapshot jar (because of the config changes).
karma-jcr 0.4 will be using its own namespace "karma-jcr" for node properties. So be aware, karma-jcr 0.4 *is not* compatible with repositories created by older versions of karma-jcr!
Last but not least, I am really interested in your feedback! If you are evaluating or using karma-mvc, karma-jcr or the repositorybrowser please drop me a line or post a comment. I would really appreciate it.