This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Erik C. Thauvin.
Original Post: [Jul 29, 2005 13:39 PDT] 21 Links
Feed Title: Erik's Linkblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The Link is Out There!
JGui 2.01. Docking windows framework, Dynamic Tree Framework, JShape, ToolBarLayout and RainLayout, JGuiTabbedPane, ButtonPanel/FoldableButtonPanel, IconifyBar/TaskBar, TaskPane, GSplitPane and more.
EclipseXSLT 1.0.3 is an Eclipse 3.1 feature adding XSLT support and a configurable xml outline to Eclipse.
Wingz 1.0.7 provides components and solutions, that complement Swing when solving missing technology in Enterprise Internet Application market.
Apache Sandesha 1.0 provides implementation for WS-ReliableMessaging specification. It is very light weight and sits on top of Apache Axis.
Penrose 0.9.3 is an open-source java virtual directory server, which proxies Active Directory, LDAP, and SQL databases behind an LDAP facade.
OOWeb 0.3 is a lightweight, embedded HTTP server for Java applications that maps objects to URL directories, methods to pages, and form/query-string arguments as method parameters.
CSVObjects 0.4b is a Java library and extensible framework for mapping, parsing, and unmarshalling CSV file contents into plain Java objects.
ImageInfo 1.7 is a single Java class that examines InputStream and RandomAccessFile objects.
uitags 0.6.3 is a JSP custom tag library (taglib) that makes developing friendly user interfaces easy.