Erik C. Thauvin
Posts: 4232
Nickname: ethauvin
Registered: Apr, 2004
Erik C. Thauvin maintains one of the web's first and most popular linkblogs.
[Jul 18, 2005 09:57 PDT] 24 Links
Posted: Jul 18, 2005 11:07 AM
XFlows 2.0 is an integrated solution for XML and XSLT.
SDE 3.0 for JBuilder Released . Visual Paradigm Smart Development Environment 3.0 for JBuilder (SDE-JB) is a plug-in for Borland JBuilder.
TinyLaF 1.3.0 is a free Java Look and Feel which can look similar to Windows XP or Windows 98 but will run on all platforms supporting Java 1.4.
Parabuild 2.0 EAP Build 533 is a continuous integration and software build management server.
Wicket 1.0.1 is a Java component based web application framework.
Golden T Game Engine 0.2.3 is an advanced cross-platform 2D game programming library.
Imagero Reader 1.79 supports the following image types: BMP, GIF, TIFF, PNG, JNG, MNG, JPEG, PSD, PBM, PGM, PPM, MRW, CRW, CR2, THM, NEF, DCR, DNG.
JIDE 1.8.2 introduces three more new table components - CellSpanTable, CellStyleTable and TreeTable.
JasperAssistant 1.5.6 for Eclipse 3.1 final is a visual report designer for JasperReports.
FireStorm/DAO 3.0 RC1 . The new feature in CodeFutures FireStorm/DAO Java persistence code generator include Hibernate support, enhanced Oracle stored procedure support, and usability improvements.
DB Visual Architect 2.0 for JBuilder is a plug-in for JBuilder which supports full-featured Object-Relational Mapping (ORM).
jGuard 0.65 final is build on top of jaas, and provides an easy way to manage authentication and authorizations.
JGAP 2.3 , a genetic algorithms application.
jzForum 1.3 . The next version of jzForum has been released containing a number of new features and a few bugfixes.
Blitz JavaSpaces 1.11 is an open source JavaSpaces implementation designed to ease development and deployment of JavaSpaces technology.
XINS 1.2.3 is a technology used to define, create, and invoke remote APIs.
Ravenous 0.2.0 is a full-featured Web server written in Java.
GNU Classpath 0.17 is a project to create free core class libraries for use with virtual machines and compilers for the Java programming language.
Berlin — Jython, new release 2.2alpha1 .
Clint — Google Desktop Prevents Java Update Install .
Dion — Native XML support in Dolphin .
Fabien — Jython instead of Ant: sample code .
Goldy — Free midlets from mob385 .
Writing fast numerical routines for Java with C . C is a perfect language for writing numerical routines. It produces fast and very efficient code.
Read: [Jul 18, 2005 09:57 PDT] 24 Links