This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Fred Grott.
Original Post: Wacky Yahoo Mobile Post??
Feed Title: ShareMe Technologies LLC-The Mobile Future
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Feed Description: A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology.
In the wacky Yahoo Mobile realm a yahoo mobile person posts that Nokia's move towards CCD means that we can run JDK1.3.1 code slightly unchanged in smartphones. While I respect Russell's java expertise in some areas, he cannot be more wrong in this area.
Let me explain, both in MIDP and PersonalJava on J2ME you are effectively writing to a JVM on a Real Time Operating System. This in itself requires different or modified object patterns, applicaiton initialization, and etc a far different than from coding even at the PersonalJava level of J2SE on the desktop.
Now lets explain the real reason for Nokia's move to CDC and PersonalJava on smartphones in conjunction with continued support of MIDP on J2ME. PersonalJava on CDC within J2ME gives Nokia and applicaiotn developers full acces to all OS attributes normally accessible in SymbianOS C++ such as MEI numbers and PIM information.
In other words Nokia's move is to strengthen the aspect of writing true full business applications on J2ME within the PersonalJava realm! In other words this aidrect move towards quashing any Windows Mobile Progress within the SmartPhone market.
You see VC's and etc not all J2Me expertise happens to be on the west coast...